Trending shirts, Awesome shirts for Men & Women – Where’s My Pizza Shirt

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I’m as good as I can be! I’m keeping busy by trying to figure out what I’m going be doing for the Where’s My Pizza Shirt so you should to go to store and get this next couple months before unemployment runs out. One of the bars I worked at reopened, but I decided not to go back, because I talked to a lot of people who did go back, and they’re making no fucking money, right? So it didn’t really make a lot of sense to get kicked off unemployment—where I’m making a guaranteed $350 a week for a little while—and go in to work a shift or two and walk out with maybe $100.

Where's My Pizza Shirt

I more or less wrote it during the Where’s My Pizza Shirt so you should to go to store and get this first lockdown, and it just came out in a flood. I think part of it was dealing with a lot of ideas I had been navigating and wrestling with for the past year, like the Betty Draper essay [for The New Inquiry]. It was giant amoeba of a project that was kind of split up into three parts; it was like that essay, and then this project, and a second book of poems. I signed with Grieveland in June and decided to do this book for them.

Where's My Pizza Shirt Hoodie


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